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Locked-Down Cinema
Film reviews of all the films I should have seen but didn't...
What do you do if you receive a Christmas present that is a membership to the British Film Institute when there's a pandemic on...?

Ravi Swami
May 29, 20216 min read
"La Visita" / "The Visit", Dir: Antonio Pietrangeli, 1963
"La Visita" stars Sandra Milo as "Pina" - by this point a regular in Pietrangelo's films - with the French actor François Périer as "Adolfo"
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Ravi Swami
May 29, 20213 min read
"The Bachelor"/ "Lo Scapolo", Dir: Antonio Pietrangeli, 1955
I came across his 1955 "Commedia All'Italiana" film starring Alberto Sordi, an actor most associated with the genre...
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Ravi Swami
May 23, 20219 min read
"Les Amants", Dir: Louis Malle, 1958 & "Adua and Her Friends", Dir: Antonio Pietrangeli, 1960
There's nothing particularly thematic to connect these two films that I watched recently, one on BFI Player and the other via Amazon Prime..
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Ravi Swami
May 19, 20213 min read
"The Magnificent Cuckold", Dir: Antonio Pietrangeli, 1964
It's probably fair to say that I've become a little addicted to "Commedia Al'Italiana" as I discover the vast output of the genre..
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Ravi Swami
May 11, 20215 min read
"La Bella Di Lodi" / "The Girl From Lodi", Dir: Mario Missiroli, 1963
This time Sandrelli is cast as "Roberta", a young go-getter from a wealthy family with interests in agriculture and real estate...
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Ravi Swami
Apr 11, 20213 min read
A Pair Of Shorts - Martin Scorcese & Chantal Akerman, 1974 , 1968
Tucked away in amongst a series of shorts on the theme of films made in a single location...
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Ravi Swami
Mar 31, 20215 min read
"Il Bidone"- with commentary, Dir:Federico Fellini, 1955
That said, I watched "Il Bidone" - a film that could best be described as the least "Fellini-esque" of his work...
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Ravi Swami
Mar 23, 20216 min read
"Ieri Oggi Domani", Dir: Vittorio De Sica, 1963
Outside of Italy, Sophia Loren tends to be more well-known for a number of blousy, big-budget Hollywood films..
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Ravi Swami
Mar 13, 20215 min read
"Alfredo Alfredo", Dir: Pietro Germi, 1972
I was expecting a comic romp along the lines of "Seduced and Abandoned"..
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Ravi Swami
Jan 31, 20212 min read
"Seduced and Abandoned", Dir: Pietro Germi, 1964
I'd been meaning to avoid watching "Seduced and Abandoned", directed by Piero Germi...
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Ravi Swami
Jan 26, 20213 min read
"Un Maledetto Imbroglio", Dir: Pietro Germi, 1959
...and details the investigation of a murder of a wealthy woman, by her friend the police inspector Ciccio Ingravalo..
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Ravi Swami
Jan 23, 20214 min read
"Divorce Italian Style"/"Divorzio Al La Italiana", Dir: Pietro Germi, 1961
Super-smooth Italian heartthrob Marcello Mastroianni plays "Ferdinando Cefalù", the son of an impoverished Sicilian nobleman..
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Ravi Swami
Jan 17, 20215 min read
"I Knew Her Well", Dir: Antonio Pietrangeli, 1965
It's been rare so far in my lockdown viewing to say that I've stumbled on a real find..
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Ravi Swami
Jan 10, 20213 min read
"The Basilisks", Dir: Lina Wertmüller, 1963
First films are developing into a bit of a trend here, though not intentionally - "The Basilisks" directed by Lina Wertmüller
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Ravi Swami
Dec 2, 20204 min read
Three Fellini's, Dir Federico Fellini, 1954-1967
It's possibly a bit unfair to combine 3 films of Federico Fellini, spanning a period of 14 years, into a single post..
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Ravi Swami
Nov 28, 20205 min read
"Eve" / "Eva", Dir: Joseph Losey, 1962
Once again, my reason for choosing Joseph Losey's adaptation of a James Hadley Chase novel entitled "Eve" was Jeanne Moreau.
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Ravi Swami
Nov 19, 20202 min read
"I Vitteloni" - Dir: Federico Fellini, 1953
"I Vitelloni" mines similar territory to, and anticipates, Luchino Visconti's 1960 "Rocco and His Brothers"
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Ravi Swami
Oct 20, 20204 min read
"81/2", Dir: Federico Fellini, 1963
Federico Fellini's "81/2", (1963) is generally considered to be a high point in the directors' work
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Ravi Swami
Oct 12, 20203 min read
"Rocco & His Brothers", Dir:Luchino Visconti, 1960
I'd heard of Luchino Visconti before but had never actually watched any of his films and "Rocco & His Brothers"...
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Ravi Swami
Aug 4, 20203 min read
"L'Avventura", "La Notte", "L'Eclisse" - Dir : M. Antonioni - 1960/62
What I find interesting more than anything else is the snapshot of Rome and Milan in the 60's..
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Thanks for your interest in Lockdown Cinema. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon! - Ravi
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