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Locked-Down Cinema
Film reviews of all the films I should have seen but didn't...
What do you do if you receive a Christmas present that is a membership to the British Film Institute when there's a pandemic on...?

Ravi Swami
Sep 23, 20244 min read
Watch out!...It's "The Green Slime" !!, Dir: Kinji Fukasaku, 1968
Oh, "The Green Slime" is a film I've been searching for high and low on various streamers without much success..
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Ravi Swami
Sep 19, 20244 min read
"The Vast Of Night", Dir: Andrew Patterson, 2019
The aim here seemed to be to suggest that this is a tall story but with a likelihood of being about events that actually happened..
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Ravi Swami
Oct 7, 20233 min read
"Goke - The Body Snatcher From Hell", Dir: Hajime Sato, 1968
Hajime Sato's 1968 chiller "Goke - The Body Snatcher From Hell" or "Vampire Gokemidoro" must surely be one of the oddest additions to...
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Ravi Swami
May 30, 20232 min read
"Caltiki - The Immortal Monster", dir: Riccardo Freda, 1959
The plot involves a group of explorers of a Mayan temple complex where they awaken the "Caltiki" of the title
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Ravi Swami
Nov 22, 20226 min read
A trio of black comedies by Bruno Dumont
I only really stumbled upon Bruno Dumont's 2018 film "CoinCoin and the Extra-Humans" while flicking through the films on offer on Mubi...
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Ravi Swami
Jul 27, 20223 min read
The War In Space, Dir: Jun Fukuda, 1977
If I were to sum up this film in a single line it would go something like "Space Romans from Venus attack the Earth...
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Ravi Swami
Jul 1, 20225 min read
"Princess From The Moon", Dir: Kon Ichikawa, 1987
The plot of the film is based on "The Tale of The Bamboo Cutter", a widely-known and popular tale purportedly based on real events...
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Ravi Swami
Dec 29, 20219 min read
"Minnal Murali", Dir: Basil Joseph, 2021
"Minnal Murali" (Eng: "Lightning Murali") premiered this December on Netflix is a Malayalam language superhero film from South India..
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Ravi Swami
Dec 20, 20215 min read
"Peking Man", Dir: Meng Hua Ho, 1977
As oddities go, you can't get odder than "Peking Man" ("The Mighty Peking Man" / "Goliathon" in the U.S) from the renowned Shaw Bros studio.
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Ravi Swami
Jul 29, 20214 min read
"Shin Godzilla", Dir: Hideaki Anno & Shinji Higuchi, 2016
Plot-wise the film follows the same general trajectory as the 1954 film - Godzilla rises from the ocean depths...
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Ravi Swami
Jul 5, 20213 min read
"Big Trouble In Little China", Dir: John Carpenter, 1986
John Carpenter's 1986 film "Big Trouble In Little China" falls into that latter category of "seen before, I'll watch it again"...
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Ravi Swami
Jun 18, 20217 min read
"Godzilla V Megalon", Dir: Jun Fukuda, 1973
Criterion Channel includes a number of Godzilla / Giant Monster - or "Kaiju" - films, along with documentary extras..
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Ravi Swami
May 24, 20215 min read
"The Invisible Man v The Human Fly", Dir: Mitsuo Murayama, 1957
Available to view on Amazon Prime, "The Invisible Man v The Human Fly", directed by Mitsuo Murayama and produced by the Daiei company...
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Ravi Swami
May 4, 20216 min read
"The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension", Dir: W.D Richter, 1984
"Buckaroo Banzai" is definitely very odd - the titular character played by Peter Weller is of mixed American Japanese heritage..
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Ravi Swami
Apr 2, 20215 min read
"Godzilla V Kong", Dir: Adam Wingard, 2021
Giant monster either love 'em or hate 'em, there doesn't appear to be a middle ground for them in terms of taste in cinema.
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Ravi Swami
Mar 25, 20214 min read
"Stranger From Venus", Dir: Burt Balaban, 1954
"Stranger From Venus" represents my occasional deep dive into "B" movies that can turn up unexpectedly on streamings services..
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Ravi Swami
Mar 19, 20214 min read
"The Atomic Submarine", Dir: Spencer Gordon Bennet, 1959
I knew about the film long before (I'm talking several decades) I actually had an opportunity to watch it...
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Ravi Swami
Dec 5, 20203 min read
"CE3K" - Dir: Steven Spielberg, 1977
I'm breaking my self-imposed rule of films viewed over lockdown that I personally haven't seen before..
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Thanks for your interest in Lockdown Cinema. For more information, feel free to get in touch and I will get back to you soon! - Ravi
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London, United Kingdom

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